▣ TYPE: Commercial
▨ CLIENT: Sadie Coles Gallery
▤ KEY MATERIALS: Timber / Steel / Ceramic
▦ METHODOLOGY: Refurbishment
▥ COLLABORATORS: Caroline Esclapez and Louise Underhill as Studio Abroad (co-founded by Summer Islam and George Massoud)
The rebfurbished gallery sits across the ground and lower ground floors of No. 8 Bury Street, which was previously occupied by an antique and reproduction framers. The lower ground floor retains some of the archival frame storage as art display which can be wheeled out to enclose the private viewing room.
Photography by Felix Koch
▣ TYPE: Commercial
⧇ CLIENT: Sadie Coles Gallery
▤ KEY MATERIALS: Timber / Steel / Ceramic
▦ METHODOLOGY: Refurbishment
⧆ COLLABORATORS: Caroline Esclapez and Louise Underhill as Studio Abroad (co-founded by Summer Islam and George Massoud)
The rebfurbished gallery sits across the ground and lower ground floors of No. 8 Bury Street, which was previously occupied by an antique and reproduction framers. The lower ground floor retains some of the archival frame storage as art display which can be wheeled out to enclose the private viewing room.
Photography by Felix Koch
Unit 15, Regent Studios, 8 Andrews Road, London E8 4QN
E info@materialcultures.org
T 02030626832
Unit 15, Regent Studios, 8 Andrews Road, London E8 4QN
E info@materialcultures.org