▣ TYPE: Film
▨ SUPPORTED BY: Built by Nature
▤ RUNNING TIME: 6m 40s
▥ COLLABORATORS: Ella Frost / Mhamad Safa / Kate Handford / Amica Dall / The Building Centre team
Shifting towards a built environment based on bio-based materials, including straw, will require a set of changes in practice that span from land-use to how we care for buildings. Some applications of straw can last almost indefinitely - others require cyclic replacement.
Integrating straw as a key building material will require a move towards building a stronger relationship between agriculture and architecture, a restructuring of construction supply chains, and significant new skills training. However, it is an opportunity waiting to be acted upon. The construction technologies are proven, and the UK already produces more than enough straw year-on-year to meet demand.
▣ TYPE: Film
▨ SUPPORTED BY: Built by Nature
▤ RUNNING TIME: 6m 40s
▥ COLLABORATORS: Ella Frost / Mhamad Safa / Kate Handford / Amica Dall / The Building Centre team
Shifting towards a built environment based on bio-based materials, including straw, will require a set of changes in practice that span from land-use to how we care for buildings. Some applications of straw can last almost indefinitely - others require cyclic replacement.
Integrating straw as a key building material will require a move towards building a stronger relationship between agriculture and architecture, a restructuring of construction supply chains, and significant new skills training. However, it is an opportunity waiting to be acted upon. The construction technologies are proven, and the UK already produces more than enough straw year-on-year to meet demand.
Unit 15, Regent Studios, 8 Andrews Road, London E8 4QN
E info@materialcultures.org
T 02030626832
Unit 15, Regent Studios, 8 Andrews Road, London E8 4QN
E info@materialcultures.org